Contaminated Surplus Property
- When offering equipment for surplus or transfer that contains or is potentially contaminated with chemical, biological or radiological hazards, the equipment owner must first contact ECU Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) (chemical) or Prospective Health (biological or radiological) for authorization and guidance.
- Equipment owners must certify that the equipment does not contain or is not contaminated with hazardous materials.
- If the property contains or has contained any hazardous material then the property must be properly decontaminated in accordance with procedures approved by EH&S and/or Prospective Health. For biological and/or radiological hazards, contact Prospective Health at 744-2070. For chemical and all other hazards contact EH&S at 328-6166. If it is determined that the equipment is beyond decontamination then the equipment must be offered for proper disposal.
- The “Surplus Property Hazard Assessment” tag must be completed by the equipment owner and attached to the property in a conspicuous location and secure manner. The tags should be printed on 3 1/3” X 4” self-adhesive shipping labels (Avery 5164/8164 or compatible) so they can be securely attached to equipment. The tags do not have to be printed in color.
- EH&S and/or Prospective Health must inspect equipment requiring decontamination and authorize the move before the department submits a work order to Moving Services. EH&S and/or Prospective Health staff must check the appropriate authorization box on the “Surplus Property Hazard Assessment” tag and initial to confirm inspection/authorization.
- The equipment owner must schedule move of the equipment in accordance with Facilities Services Moving Services Policy and Procedure (SP 39-0001 ) and Materials Management. Once all items are tagged, enter a Work Request to have Moving Services pick up items going to Surplus via the Facilities Services’ AIM/Work Management System. When completing the Work Request, it is NOT necessary to list all items from the pickup manifest on the work order; however, you are required to enter the DR# on the first line of the description of the work order so that Moving Services will be able to match your request with the appropriate manifest. Instructions for completing the Moving Services’ request are available on the AIM/Work Management System under the link titled AIM.
- Moving personnel will not accept equipment for transport unless “Surplus Property Hazard Assessment” tag is attached and there is no visible contamination.
Surplus Documents and Forms