Laboratory Preparations for Hurricanes

Hurricanes are dangerous storms and can threaten the safety and operation of research laboratories. Plans should be developed well in advance of a hurricane to insure the protection of valuable research equipment, specimens and data. Once a hurricane watch is issued, these plans should be implemented in your research areas in preparation for the hurricane. Even with backup generators available, researchers should protect their valuable materials in case power, water and climate control go out of service for an extended period of time. Special arrangements may need to be planned to protect and prevent release of radioactive isotopes, biohazardous agents and hazardous chemicals. Here are some tips to help prepare for hurricanes.

  • When a hurricane watch is issued, make necessary preparations to suspend experiments involving biological cultures, radioactive agents and hazardous chemicals.
  • When a hurricane warning is issued, implement activities to suspend ongoing experiments involving operations down with in three hours of initial hurricane warning. Remember, do not count on the availability of power, water or climate control.
  • Always keep chemical/radioactive materials in your inventory to a minimum. Reorganize and dispose of materials routinely to keep chemicals from becoming outdated.
  • Due to the possibility of power outages, volatile, toxic and materials displaying respiratory hazards should not be stored in fume hoods or refrigerators but in tightly sealed, impervious and break-resistant containers.
  • Do not accumulate more than four gallons of waste chemicals/radioactive materials in your lab at any one time. Environmental Health and Safety has weekly scheduled pickups for waste chemicals.
  • Laboratories with outside windows should develop a secure area for the storage of water reactive chemicals, radioactive materials and biological agents. These secure areas should be waterproof and heavy enough to not be affected by wind.
  • Hazardous chemicals, radioactive materials and biological agents should not be stored below ground level during a hurricane.
  • Find a secure area above the second floor levels to secure these materials in case of flooding.
  • Check emergency phone numbers. Update lab personnel home and cellular phone numbers and post these outside your lab.
  • Keep plenty of plastic waterproof containers on hand to store reactive chemicals, lab notes, research documentation, computer equipment, and any other materials that you cannot afford to have damaged.
  • Keep plenty of warning labels appropriate for the hazards of the materials you work with on hand. These may be needed after the hurricane.

Remember, you must take responsibility to protect your own laboratory. Plan ahead and implement your plan as soon as a hurricane watch is issued.

Questions concerning laboratory preparations for hurricanes should be directed to:

For radioactive isotopes: 744-3524
For biological agents: 744-3437
For chemical agents: 328-6166